aboutmeI first started blogging in late 2008 as an experiment in social media.  I imported it from Blogger to WordPress in early 2009. My posts are sporadic at best, but I’m trying. My focus these days is more on writing – enjoying the language, telling stories and observing  and commenting on some of the absurdities in life.

My interests include (in no particular order) reading, writing, learning, singing, playing guitar, dogs, music, social media, gaming, technology, science, nonprofits, philanthropy, and volunteerism.

I’m endlessly curious and I love to laugh.

My favorite authors include Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, Terry Pratchett, Guy Gavriel Kay, Suzanne Collins, Stephen King, Douglas Adams, JK Rowling, Lloyd Alexander, Susan Cooper, Robin McKinley, Patricia McKillip, Brandon Sanderson, China Mieville, Dave Barry, and Christopher Wooding.

I firmly believe that every one of us has something to offer, and that each of us can make a difference in this world.  I also believe that it’s vitally important that we not take ourselves too seriously, enjoy life, and have fun.

Thanks for stopping by!