Driving While Driving
It’s a gorgeous sunny day, not too hot. I get in my car, roll the windows down and back out of the driveway. I make it almost four houses up…
It’s a gorgeous sunny day, not too hot. I get in my car, roll the windows down and back out of the driveway. I make it almost four houses up…
In second grade, we were told to find an American legend or myth, research it and write a report. Simple enough. One classmate picked Paul Bunyan. Another chose Johnny Appleseed. …
I’m going to be a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding. I’m pretty excited, as you can imagine. She picked out gorgeous bridesmaid dresses, in direct defiance of tradition. The fabric…
It had been a long week. I returned to my on-campus apartment after work and stretched out on the bed for a nap. I woke up at sunset to long…
A couple of weeks ago I was driving home from an evening event: windows down, cool breeze alternating with pockets of warm air left over from the summer-like day, heady scent…
Book Review: The Future of Nonprofits: Innovate and Thrive in the Digital Age by David J. Neff and Randal C. Moss When I was asked to review The Future of…
Okay, I'll admit it. I am an avid reader and fan of fantasy and science fiction. This is what makes May 25th such a challenge: celebrate Towel Day or Wear…