Do I Dare To Eat A Beet?
I don’t know if there is an actual medical diagnosis for the irrational fear of beets, but if there is, I have it. I don’t know when the fear started.…
I don’t know if there is an actual medical diagnosis for the irrational fear of beets, but if there is, I have it. I don’t know when the fear started.…
Dear Spiders, Insects and Slugs, Here are The Rules: You are welcome to the entire part of the world that is OUTSIDE of my house. If you find yourself inside…
"As explosive as a dog sneeze." There's a phrase you don't hear every day, and here's another: I am no stranger to being sneezed upon by dogs. I don't know…
"Someone smells like a dog." "Why are you looking at me?" Our dogs are pretty clean, overall. They don't have many chances to get dirty, although in our old house…
Dear Mr. Barry, Where to begin? I suppose the most logical place is this: I swear I am not making this up. I've been a fan of yours since I…
I walk in the doors and inhale, smelling the slightly sweet, dusty scent of old paper. I walk straight to my favorite section and stop in front of a particular…
I don't exercise because I love exercise. I exercise because I love food. I like fitness in theory, but to me it's more of a means to an end. I…